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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1838 759/2/4 PART 7 Japan - Industry and Raw Materials 1973 - 1974
A3092 221/12/3/4 PART 1 Formosa - defence 1957 - 1958
A1838 3000/2/9/1 PART 35 Indo China - Australian policy towards Indo Chinese refugees 1982 - 1982
A4311 308/7 Defence : Territories [Prime Minister's Visit June 1965 - Brief on External Affairs Volume 1] 1965 - 1965
A1838 3107/40/87 PART 25 China - Relations with Japan 1976 - 1977
A1838 3004/10/5/4 PART 1 South East Asia - Indo Chinese refugees - ASEAN policy - Indonesia 1979 - 1980
A5897 311/1 Unconventional Warfare - Cold War Aid - Special Warfare 1964 - 1970
A432 1963/3173 PART 5 Antarctic Treaty - Draft convention on conservation of wildlife 1970 - 1979
A7452 A164 East Timor - reported deployment of Sabre aircraft and Nomad aircraft 1977 - 1977
A1209 1981/1435 PART 3 Situation in Northern Ireland - Hunger strikers 1981 - 1981
A1838 3107/38/2 PART 2 China - Relations with Australia - Chinese Representation in Australia 1973 - 1975
A10335 821/11 PART 1 Kuala Lumpur Australia/Malaysia, Butterworth 27 Feb 1980 - 21 Jun 1988
M4526 6 Buckingham Palace 14 Dec 1977 - 05 Nov 1990
A1838 528/1/4 Hong Kong - Communist activities in the colony 1967 - 1967
A1838 919/6/5 PART 5 Nuclear questions - Arms control policies - France 1983 - 1983
A4558 201/3 PART 1 Rome - Italy Personalities 1959 - 1975
A703 554/1/8 PT1 Unknown 1959 - 1974
M3357 RJC/75/2 Projects Winnin and Nulka 1984 - 1985
A1838 530/1/7 PART 1 Hong Kong-Australia relations - Australian visitors to Hong Kong 1972 - 1975
A1838 1634/75/1 PART 1 Indo Chinese refugees - Australian policies and programs - General policies 1979 - 1979